lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

What I did on my spring break?
I traveled with my family to Mexico City
I ate seafood at a restaurant, had breakfast with my family something light and then went for a walk
My brother fell off when I was running and began to mourn.
I bought several souvenirs including a keychain, a shirt and a hat.

viernes, 5 de abril de 2013


big ben
l world's most famous clock. The 13-ton bell lives up to its name, probably gave occasion to the first construction manager, whose name was Benjamin Hall. The tower is located in the northwest corner of the building that houses the headquarters of both Houses of the British Parliament. This watch is famous worldwide for its reliability, as it is designed so that its needles are not altered by any atmospheric factor.

The palace is the official residence of the Queen in London. It is also used for sightseeing and state.

River Thames
England is the river that connects London to the sea, is part of the history and life of the British capital. Formerly one of the main means of transport between London and Westminster. Sometimes the river became frozen due to cold temperatures in London.

British Museum

undoubtedly a large collection of treasures, including its 6 or 7 million pieces show a large part of world culture. The archaeological collections are the most precious treasure and is one of the reasons for the internationally renowned museum.

  Hard Rock
The popular music fans should visit the Hard Rock Cafe, where live pop and rock, the walls are adorned with photos, gold records, musical instruments, there's even a Beatles suit therefore not be considered just as a restaurant but as a museum piece unrepeatable

miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2013

what do they like to wear?

Alejandra: What do you like to use more, trousers or skirt?
Erika: pants because I can walk more comfortably
Alejandra: What kind of pants do you use?
Erika: of mesclilla
Alejandra: what accessories you like to wear?
Erika: a hat, a scarf, bracelets, or a headscarf
Alejandra: what color dress normally?
Erika: brown, pink or black
Alejandra: What kind of shoes do you use?
       Erika: court

Does she have a yellow scarf around your neck?
Do you have dark glasses?
Do they run with tennis court?
Do you have purple shoes?
How much was your blue bag?

jueves, 14 de febrero de 2013

13/feb/13 - 14/feb/13

I am in Cancún. I am swimming
I am in Canada. I am walking
He is in France. he is studing
She is in Japon. she is eating in the restaurant
I am in Mexico. I am dancing
She is in England. she is walking

Presente Simple
 i'm leavin' today (me marcho hoy)
I want to wake up (quiero despertar)
find i'm king of the hill (descubrí que soy el rey de la colina)
find i'm a number one (descubrí que soy el numero uno)
I can make it there (yo puedo hacerlo allí)

Presente Continuo
are melting away (se estan derritiendo)
Start spreading the news (comenzar a separa las noticias)
are melting away (se estan derritiendo)

          lunes 18 de febrero

                                           I see the flowers in spring
                                           I do not see the flowers in spring
                                           Do I see the flowers in spring?


she reads in autumn
she does not reads in autumn
Does she read in the fall?


                                           he climbs the mountain in winter
                                           he does not scale the mountain in winter
                                           Does he scales the mountain in winter?

   I play on the summer sun
I do not play on the summer sun
Me playing on the summer sun?


when do you visit children?
how do you travel in mexico?
what does he like to pedro?
what do you doing on you weekend?
why does mi book is dirty?
which does my dog ?
where does my laptop?
who do you met on saturday morning?

Robert de NiroGreenwich Vilage born in New York on August 17, 1943.
He is an actor and film director, and Oscar award winning film "Raging Bull" and "The Godfather."
He was raised in Italy. Son of Virginia Holton and Robert de Niro. He was nominated for the 2013 Oscar actor.

title: instilling values
not just about discipline.
is elemental to live in harmony

title: the importance of reading
get more knowledge
do bigger your imagination

title: care of the hambientes
prevents wear of natural resources
is good for health